воскресенье, 26 сентября 2010 г.

Impact of Peers and School in Middle Childhood

Middle childhood is a stage in growth where the members age between six and twelve years. Sigmund Freud defines this as the latency stage where aggressive and sexual urges are introverted. Others theorists have highlighted this stage as very crucial in the development of personality, cognitive skills, inter-personal relationships and motivation. Furthermore, it is at this growth stage that peers and school have great impacts, either positive or negative, to the individual. Schools do promote the children’s competence and self-esteem since they are enthusiastic to learn and work. This enthusiasm plays a great role since it acts as a motivating factor. Due to their development in competence in social and interpersonal relationships as aforesaid, they also undergo an experience in peer orientation. If they interact with the best peers, master papers create a strong foundation for future adult rapports that will be healthy. The diverse relationships may lead to increased violence in schools, drug use, depression and eating disorders that negatively affect the students in the upper elementary education (Blume & Zembar, 2007). In schools, the children also learn and develop interests in other co-curricular activities such as sports, arts and music. However, as they grow, the necessary skills for achieving success in academics tend to become more sophisticated. Those who overcome these challenges end up being academic conquerors of custom papers but those who are overwhelmed perform poorly in the subsequent years.
One’s family at this growth stage also plays an important role especially in socialization. The parents, for instance, have the responsibility to make negotiation with the socialization agents on behalf of the child. This kind of socialization that is family-based is directly linked with perfect essay and the child’s deviance, either in the current life or in the future. It may lead to the child indulging in alcoholism, aggression or delinquency. However, through various reinforcement and disciplinary methodologies, the parents teach their middle-aged children on the behaviors to adopt and those to refrain from (Collins, 1984). Academically, parents motivate their children to be performers. This influences them to embrace reading and more often than not, require them to come out directly from school.

вторник, 7 сентября 2010 г.

Distance Education

Distance Education is way of learning where student and teacher are separated by time and space; however communication takes place through various methods ranging from postal to online interaction. The modern distance education evolved since 1840s in Britain through postal service that now has been overtaken by computer and Internet to impart knowledge to adult audience.

The arrival of Internet has changed the way adult learn in through in distance learning. Compared to traditional distance learning, Internet has made distance learning more interactive where students log on to e-portals picking up notes and interact with other students. Such attitude lets academic students to deliver bestessays that they are capable of writing. This framework has given rise to many virtual institutes where student and faculty not only share information, but enrage in discussion with teachers and student alike.

The future of distance education is bright due to the increasing cost of traditional schools. Online distance education suits those adults who due to job or lack of financial resources cannot pursue their study. On line education in the modern world means the end of traditional books and postal system. Also rushessay service delivery is available online for any student with INTERNET access. The revolution in IT has made distance education mobile, easy and affordable compared to the past for working adults.
The future of distance education is more than just for working adults. It will help to eliminate poverty, corruption and reduce spending on bigger traditional schools especially in developing countries that have under developed education system.

The definition of superiorpaper is quality custom writing service. Thus it can be concluded that conclude that modern communications has made it possible to convert passive distance learning into a more interactive way of knowledge sharing in a global classroom where every one is connected with each other to impart knowledge.

пятница, 27 августа 2010 г.

Super Best Essays with Rush delivery


I’m just a simple fellow. Despite of my simplicity I used to be very active in my school’s activities. In fact I had been a president of my school’s student council. There we were given the chance to set and manage rules within the institution’s premises. I, being the head then, was largely granted the largest responsibility and it was to lead a bunch of people I don’t even know.

That season came and I had to be very attentive in every detail my teacher had given me. We were in a meeting. I was thoroughly explaining about task distribution. They were not listening. I composed myself and gave a warning; the second time, no one paid attention. Until I could not hold myself and was caught screaming out of my lungs. I wasn’t aware of anything that happened next.

I hate that experience because I was known as a calm person. I never wished of screaming at anybody without any valid reason, best essays helps me as well. I think they detest me after that incident since everybody became aloof since then. We were all victims of circumstances and I was really sorry about that.


If I’m going to look back with what happened, I think there has been a reasonable cause why they were not listening to me then. My problem is I became paranoid because of the deadlines ahead of me. But I did not ask anyone of them after that meeting. So it was a total undisclosed matter.

Then it came that I was obliged to talk to one of them. It then dawned to me that everything inside that meeting room was a total part of a bigger thing, and it was a series of leadership tests which every elected council president must to take, of course including me. Students want and need rush essay delivery service. But I failed it. The point that no one bothered to talk to me was also part of it until I did the reconciliation so.


The shouting and bawling style of captaincy has been a feature of many team sports, including rugby league. I don’t believe in it and I don’t believe it works. The leader should have the following message pinned to his or her wall: WE ARE ONLY HUMAN. I take time to listen to my people. You will always see me having a quiet word with people. (37)

Gary Schofield, Ex-UK Rugby League Captain

Earning the title of a leader requires set of dynamic qualities. This quotation from the famous Capt. Schofield of the United Kingdom Rugby Team means a lot of hard-earned respect and strong dedication of him being their captain. This also tells how a leader needs to be smart and that he is should be smart enough to listen in his team; since talking has always been a pre-requisite to be one.

This quotation likely to explain that we are all human and human tends to be human- natural in all means and that is universally acknowledge fact must to say. So if I have ever shouted to my colleagues then, then I was trying to be human thus went with superior papers, so to speak with them who dearly and dramatically walked out of that meeting room.

It just happened that it was my entire self-control that I didn’t make to control. Apparently, it didn’t come in an appropriate point so the whole screaming was not appropriate at all. I was trying to be human though it was all a drama.

четверг, 29 июля 2010 г.

Consequences of a College Student Cheating on Exams

Cheating is as old as any unethical conduct one can think of. It has existed for decades for several different reasons, and exists in many different forms. And, just like every other unethical decision, cheating has evolved over time and so have the methods of cheating, and the related consequences of cheating.
Cheating on exams used to involve simple and obvious gestures like craning the neck to peek at the answers of the student sitting next to you, switching papers across tables, passing notes under the tables, writing notes in the palm of one’s hand or on one’s shirt sleeve. Today, cheating is not as obvious and easy to detect as it used to be. This, of course, is mainly because students currently study in a technologically advanced environment with vast availability of information online – essays, articles, and so on – making it much easier and convenient for students to cheat without thinking of the consequences of getting caught.
There are several reasons why students cheat on exams, the most common reason being the desire to pass their required courses with an acceptable grade point average. The grade point average is usually the yard stick used to measure academic success and acceptability in the world outside of college these days. In such cases college students can turn to perfect essay. Almost every employer seeks jobseekers fresh out of college based on their academic performance among other things. Students seeking admission to graduate school may find that a minimum grade point average is required, and they may find themselves under pressure to cheat if they see no other way to make the required grades.
Cheating occurs when a student is involved in exam practices that are considered unacceptable according to the standards set by an examiner or by school policy. So that, where it may be acceptable in one case to read your notes during an exam (open-book exam), it may be totally unacceptable and considered cheating in a different setting (closed-book exam).
Needless to say, cheating has consequences that can affect a person for the rest of their life, just like any other unethical conduct has its consequences. Some consequences may be immediate while others won’t be felt till later down the road in life. Perfect essay writing service is the solution for simple and smart students. Some immediate consequences could be disciplinary measures imposed by school administration policies. Consequences that take longer to have an impact may come long after a student has graduated and moved on in life only to find out that the decisions he or she made earlier have come back to haunt them years later.
The most serious consequence a student could face for cheating on an exam is the possibility of being expelled from school. A student who cheats on an exam also risks the embarrassment and shame that goes with being exposed, not to mention the damage cheating can do to their reputation. Other students will now see you as nothing more than a liar and a cheat. This label or reputation has the potential to follow a student for a very long time, and some labels are simply not worth the risk no matter how tempting it may be in the moment.
Cheating has a tendency to lead to more serious behaviors down the road. A student who repeatedly gets away with cheating may begin to think of themselves as untouchable. This can lead them into more serious and more frequent acts of unethical behavior that could follow them into adulthood and into the corporate world, like cheating in other areas of life, the consequences of which could be a lot more serious than mere academic suspension or expulsion. Students who cheat on their exams need to understand that they the risks involved are not worth the cost. Cheaters do themselves more harm than good because they tend to learn a lot less than their colleagues who actually study the material for an exam. The process of studying and understanding course material is what determines how knowledgeable a student is, and will become throughout the rest of his or her life. An example is a student who cheats and ends up graduating magna cum laude but may find that they don’t know much more than the student who put forth their best effort and graduated with a lesser grade. Perfect essay samples can be edited and turned as your own academic assignment. Such ignorance or lack of knowledge when displayed in the work place can have even more dire consequences especially when the knowledge portrayed in actual life is in conflict with the information on a student’s college transcript. Such consequences range from loss of a job, a demotion, a less than satisfactory performance review, embarrassment, and a bruised reputation.
What students need to understand is that the effort they put into studying course material and doing their best can be far more rewarding than that split second decision to cheat could ever be because the decision to cheat offers temporary success if they are lucky to get away with it, but choosing not to offers success that will last a life time. After all, whoever said “knowledge is power,” knew exactly what they were talking about because knowledge is indeed known to be powerful. Knowledge cannot be faked; either you know, or you don’t know – and you will never know by cheating. Spending four years, or more, in school - not to mention the huge amounts of money involved - is at least worth the effort to try to be as knowledgeable as one can be, come graduation day. It is worth the investment.

понедельник, 28 июня 2010 г.

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суббота, 24 апреля 2010 г.

Tips for succeeding as a student

Seeing the relevant challenges and hurdles in College, I believe that I must adhere to these three tips to become resilient and adaptive to change.

1. To cope up with the trends of education, I maintain a positive attitude in things. In here, I must keep a mindset that the problems and challenges that may occur within the classroom serve not only a hindrance to my growth but a new experience wherein I can learn new things. Having this mindset, I do not frown or get frustrated if I can’t get things done the first time. Rather, I remained committed and patient in doing the tasks given to me. In addition, I constantly look for individuals who can inspire and motivate me to become better as a student. Any research paper can be ordered online.

2. Another thing that helps me succeed as a student is maximizing the resources available in the school for my personal benefit. In here, I take advantage of available reference materials in the library or online to complete better projects and papers. I constantly find ways to improve using the school’s resources. Best paper writing service services can be requested here. For example, I constantly go to the library for both research and enjoy the pleasure of learning something new. By doing this, I can maximize my education and expand my capabilities of comprehending and understanding new information.

Reacting to the three tips presented by the student, it can be seen that he only highlighted one relevant tip in his paper; taking down notes. Validating the position and argument made by the author, it can be seen that the idea of note taking is an important aspect to consider in studying. In here, he offers several examples that ought to make new ways to appreciate and apply the practice in the classroom. Though I would agree that note taking is relevant towards learning and improvement, there are other relevant topics that could have covered in other two tips. He/she could have used and provided the examples under the first topic and focused on another idea such as time management or stress management.

In this prompt, the author provides three different strategies that highlight how he can become successful as a student. These three include (1) positive attitude, (2) having a study buddy and (3) studying a hard subject when you are fresh. Reacting to these three initiatives, it can be argued that they continue to seek new positive outcomes for student. In here, he was able to make a connection to the practices by relating it to his/her student life. IF you in need of college assistance - request custom papers off the internet. He/she provides examples that cater to new ways wherein this person can transform himself or herself to pursue his/her betterment. I had always believed that having a positive attitude can garner and overcome new opportunities for the student. At the same time, having a person to study with can also generate positive impacts on both students. It can help cater on information sharing and generate greater outcomes in comprehension and learning. Lastly, I also advocate that having a fresh mind can help an individual concentrate and acquire more information in the process.


Seeing the relevant challenges and hurdles in College, I believe that I must adhere to these three tips to become resilient and adaptive to change.

1. To cope up with the trends of education, I maintain a positive attitude in things. In here, I must keep a mindset that the problems and challenges that may occur within the classroom serve not only a hindrance to my growth but a new experience wherein I can learn new things. Having this mindset, I do not frown or get frustrated if I can’t get things done the first time. Rather, I remained committed and patient in doing the tasks given to me. In addition, I constantly look for individuals who can inspire and motivate me to become better as a student.